
May 16, 2012

Beetroot Cutlet / Beetroot Tikki

Indian Coffee House @ Kozhikode is very famous for its yummy cutlets. The speciality is that they use beetroot as one of the ingridient for the cutlet which is accompanied by Beetroot based sauce. The waiters in their traditional uniform with a fanned turban on head moves swiftly catering to the needs. You cannot expect a good ambience but decent & cozy place which serves you food at nominal rates.

This unique recipe with its combination of spices, colour, delicious taste leave you drool and crave for more. I tried to make the cutlet many a times at home and finally got somewhat similar to that yet delicious in its own way.

Sharing with you an interesting recipe for this yummy cutlet. I used brown bread as an healthy option.

Ingridients :- (makes 7 nos)

  1. Beetroot - 1 No. (small)
  2. Potato - 2 Nos. (medium)
  3. Onion - 1 No. (big)
  4. Ginger - 1" Piece
  5. Garlic - 4 pods (medium)
  6. Brown Bread - 5 slices
  7. Chopped mint leaves - 1 tsp
  8. Chopped coriander leaves - 2 tsp
  9. Green Chillies - 3 nos. or as per preference
  10. Cinnamon - 1" stick
  11. Cardamom - 1 No.
  12. Cloves - 3 Nos
  13. Bay leaf - 1 No. (small)
  14. Coriander Powder - 1 tsp
  15. Cumin Powder - 1/2 tsp
  16. Salt to taste
  17. Oil for sauteing and tempering

 Procedure :-

  • Pressure cook Potato and beetroot till 3 whistles
  • Dry roast, cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaf and cloves, powder it & keep ready
  • Finely chop ginger, garlic, onion, green chillies, mint leaves and coriander leaves
  • Sprinkle water over the brown bread, leave it for a minute, then nicely knead it like you do with chapathi dough, keep ready.
  • Heat a tsp of oil in a wok, add chopped onion, fry till it becomes transparent, then add ginger, garlic and saute well for two minutes, cool down and grind it to a paste
  • Peel the potatoes. Dice the beetroot and one & half potato
  • Grate the remaining half of potato and few diced cubes of beetroot
  • To that add salt, mix well
  • Heat 3 tsp oil, add the ground paste, powdered masala, Coriander powder and Cumin Powder and fry for a minute
  • Add the potato beetroot mixture and fry for a minute
  • Add chopped mint leaves and coriander leaves, mix well
  • Keep it covered and cook for 5 minutes (by removing and stirring it occasionally to prevent burning)
  • Allow the mixture to cool

  • Make equal sized balls
  • now take a portion of the bread dough, like paratha stuffing, make a bowl shape, place a portion of beetroot stuffing, close, roll and slightly flatten
  • Grease a non-stick pan or tava,  place the prepared cutlets or tikkis over it, pour a tbsp of oil around it, cook over medium flame.
  • When one side is done, flip it and cook the other side too till the crust turns golden brown in colour.


Method - II

  • If you don't have ready stock of brown bread, then prepare the beetroot stuffing as mentioned above.
  • In a plate spread some cornflour (corn starch)
  • lightly coat the shaped cutlets with the corn starch and roast it on tava as mentioned above.