
November 19, 2012

Kitchen decoration

After my first trial attempts of aquatic life here I am seriously into decorating my kitchen ...... decorating the otherwise boring plain walls keeps me busy and gives a different touch the kitchen. This is the place where I spend more time so this small makeover means a lot......

Things you need :-

  1. Black Chart -1 No
  2. Pencil
  3. Scale
  4. Glue stick
  5. White acrylic paint
  6. Paint brush "zero"
  7. White A4 sheet or a rough paper
  8. Scissor

  • Draw the design you want to make in a white paper
  • Spread the black chart and rightly draw the design you have decided
  • using a sharp small scissor (it is easy to cut accurate shapes), cut the required shapes.
  • To some shapes where you cannot cut the middle portion e.g. letters etc, you can use the white acrylic paint and zero brush and draw the designs or do a patch work to add beauty to the cut shapes.
  • Apply glue to the wrong side and paste it on the wall and the door
The kitchen door

Kitchen wall :-

Winking smiley guy Winkingsmlieyguy.gif photo silent smile_44.gif photo sh!..............missayurasem chef-anim-chef-cook-food-smiley-emo.gif photoCHEF @ work!