
November 13, 2011

Masala Papad - The Healthy Snack / Starter

Evening i was hunting my kitchen for a snack. I normally don't buy and store as wanted to avoid that extra eating. But today was unable to control my craving hence after some quick thought made a healthy snack for myself.

You need :

  1. Lijjat Papad
  2. Red chilli powder
  3. Chat masala powder (optional)
  4. Salt to taste
  5. Tomato - 1 small
  6. Onion - 1 small
  7. Coriander leaves - 2 tbsp
  • Roast the lijjat papad either on direct flame or on a non-stick pan.
  • Place it on the serving plate

  • Finely chop tomato, onion and coriander leaves

  • Sprinkle red chillipowder, chat masala powder and salt to taste on the roasted papad
  • Sprinkle the chopped onion, tomato and coriander leaves.
  • Your yummy healthy snack is ready!!

Variation :

You can use fried papad instead of roasted papad


  1. wow! Looks so yummmy mira!

  2. This is a good idea to indulge in masala papads instead of any other unhealthy snack.

    Back in school days there was lijjat papad factory next to our school premises, and all the time the papad smell used to prevail in our class, so much that we started hating papads, but now I love papads.

  3. mira a nice variation - normally I spread cheese, tomato sause or butter and the roasted pappads. When fried in oil it some times tastes bitter. great snak item.

  4. Thank you Vidya

    Thank you Sonia. looks so.

    Yes, Raji. wow! too once had to pass through a reputed biscuit factory during school days and through a leading chocolate company while working.... and i used to hate it after some time. yes, they change as time passes by.

    Yes nitya bhen. wow! you make it in the italian way!! ha.ha..


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