
May 26, 2011

K for Keechu - our pet cat with blue eyes

We had a pet cat few years before, we named her 'Keechu'. Why keechu?! She meows in a shrill (keech) voice. She was a white cat with blue eyes. She came to us when she was only few months old (don't know how she roamed & crossed a big group of bully dogs to reach our doorsteps). She was hyperactive and kept biting us but still was very adorable. I sometimes became very jealous of her for stealing the leisure times from my dear Husband.

She hid herself in any small place available and used to scare me by suddenly pouncing out.  She liked the 'hide 7 seek' game very well.  When i used to crochet, she loved playing with the yarn ball of different colours. She was a greedy eater too. As she was small, we fed her only milk. Then the neighbour who was also a pet lover started feeding her with fish pet biscuits. Then she showed no interest for the milk we give. Many a time, she will visit the neighbour for those tit bits.  My dear Husband was a frequent tourer (official) that time and Keechu kept me absolutely busy with her pranks making me forget even my DH! But DH used to enquire first about keechu while calling me, who earlier used to enquire “How are you Darling”!!.  I was little bit envying her catching my Dear Husband’s attention. She used to come & curl herself between us which seemed a very cozy place for her.

After keechu grew little big, she started wandering away but returned home atleast by evening.  If i delay to open the door, whe will meow continously & clawed the door. Slowly the frequency reduced and one day she didn't turn up. Our frequent calling "keechu"  looking at all directions for several days went in vain. We have put words to all known persons there to tell us if they spot Keechu.

Someone might have adopted her seeing her cool blue eyes or she got killed by a passing vehicle or by the bully dogs?  Prayed to god 'not that way'. Had she met her mate? Many questions raised in our mind. Her disapperance is still a mystery. But she is still green in our memories with her lovely gleaming blue eyes. We miss 'keechu' very much. Finding it difficult to tolerate such grief of separation.  That was the first and last pet so far in my life.


  1. After reading your writing I too fallen love with your cat.
    I am also praying for her safe and return with little ones.

  2. Gld to know you liked keechu. She is little darling. THank you viji.


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