May 27, 2012

Twilight hours Part - I

The dawn and dusk are the two most beautiful hours that god has gifted us with every day. The sky changes its look & shade every minute. I always enjoyed an evening drive or sitting in the terrace & watching sky throwing hues of colours while the sun rise or set.

The trees or buildings get into a shadow painting with a orange or light pink background which keeps changing.

Yesterday evening it was cloudy. The monsoon clouds have started passing by our land. Yesterday I happened to see a landing plane with the rain clouds background and it captured my heart so had it stored in my mobile to share with you.

Here are those clicks.

A melodious song scored by mastero ilayaraja from a tamil picture 'Nizhalgal' (shadows) of '80s runs in my mind.  Here sharing the link to that song.

If you can understand tamizh it will add more life into the song while you hear.  If you don't still you will be able to enjoy it as music is an universal language. Listen to the back ground music, the chirpings of the birds, the pictresque evening sky, etc...

.........continued ... :-) please click the links given below to read them

Twilight Hours Part - II

Twilight Hours Part-III 


Raji said...

Love the first shot Mira..absolutely breathtaking.

வை.கோபாலகிருஷ்ணன் said...

Very Nice.

Usha Srikumar said...

Wonderful...And my favorite song too...

Mira said...

Thank you Raji.

Mira said...

thank you Gopu sir

Mira said...

glad to know that. Thank you Ushaben

sudha said...

Hey Mira, these clicks have come out picture perfect.
The rain clouds and the plane flying through what a sight !!

Ramvino said...

Wow!! very nice picture mira...

Mahi said...

Nice clicks and the song is our favourite too! When ever we happen to travel during the evenings, this is the default song in the car! :)

Mira said...

Thank you Sudha. Your descriptive appreciation shows how much you enjoyed those shots.

Mira said...

Thank you Vinothini

Mira said...

Mahi, same with me. I used to play this song during our evening drives. I have some selected songs for the evening hours and enjoy hearing to them. Thank you Mahi.

satchitananda said...

Mira, very nice pictures and good description too. The music is unfortunately unavailable.

Mira said...

Thank you Satchi. oh, that is the disadvantage of shring things form a URL. let me check and repost that.

Your Kind Attention Please :-)

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