June 11, 2012

easy mango curry - pickle (manga kari)

Sharing an easy pickle with you. It don't require any tempering and use few simple ingredients. It comes handy when you want an instant pickle for quick use.

It makes an excellent accompaniment for the curd rice & add twist in taste in feasts. One of my favourite. It tastes the best using coconut oil as it the important flavouring ingredient other than mango.

This is low shelf life. So refrigerate & consume within 3 days.

Ingredients :-

  1. Raw Mango - 1 no (thothapuri / kilimooku mangai are the best)
  2. Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp (or as per taste)
  3. salt to taste
  4. Coconut oil - 1.5 tbsp
Procedure :- 
  • Cut the raw mango into small cubes
  • Mix in salt, red chilli powder, coconut oil to it. 
  • Easy simple pickle is ready to eat.

You can use other variety of raw mangoes too but Less sour ones suits best for this recipe.

You can even use the partially ripen mango as it tickles the toungue with a combination of the slight sweet taste.


வை.கோபாலகிருஷ்ணன் said...

மாங்காய் போன்ற ருசி,
ஊறுகாய் போன்ற விறுவிறுப்பு! ;)

மீராவின் பதிவல்லவா? அதனால்தான்
ஜோராக உள்ளது.


Mira said...

நன்றி Gopu Sir :-)

Vishku said...

Dear Mira...
The picture itself is so tempting I am gonna try this...
Thanks for sharing

Usha Srikumar said...

Nice mango pickle/curry?

Spice up the Curry said...

really easy and finger licking mango pickle recipe. awesome

Reshmi said...

wow quick pickle
Noel collections

Mira said...

thank you Vishku. yes it is simple but toungue tickling dish

Mira said...

thank you ushaben. We call it manga kari. it is an instant pickle.

Mira said...

thank you Kanan, Reshmi

Divya A said...

Tangy pickle..Love it with curd rice:)

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Shama Nagarajan said...

delicious dear..inviting you to join : Street Party Food Event in my blog .

Unknown said...

Love this recipe

Mira said...

thank you Pramila, Shama, Follow foodie

R.Punitha said...

Hi Mira ,

I'm Punitha of

Manga curry looks Awesome , mouth watering :)
Thank you for your visit and comments to my blog and post. At your free time do visit my blog and drop your valuable comment:)
Thank you and take care...

Mahi said...

ஆஹா..வாய் ஊறுது மீரா! இங்கே நான் மாங்காய் வாங்கியதே இல்ல, இப்படி ஜொள்ளு விட வைக்கிறீங்களே? :)

Mira said...

Thank you Meghna

Thank you Mahi. You don't get good raw mango there?

Unknown said...

Yumm.. yummm... yummmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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