June 29, 2012

Jhoola / Swing - Popsicle - ice stick craft

For a long time thought of making a small swing / jhoola using popsicle sticks. Finally gave it a try today (ofcourse with lot of re-works) and here it is for your art admirer eyes

You will need

  1. Popsicle sticks - 1 bunch or 22 sticks
  2. Rope
  3. Beads (optional)
  4. Glitter glue
  5. Glass colours
  6. Craft glue or fevicol or glue gun

This is how I did that. 

  1. Arrange the sticks as shown here (make 2). This is the base. For additional support I stuck a cardboard of the same size below the sticks at the base.

2. Place two sticks crossing each other on top as shown in the photo (do it on both the bases)

You got two base supports for the jhoola / swing as shown.

3. Place them  at at equal distance. The centre gap should measure 2". Then two popsicle sticks on front as well as at the back connecting the two pieces as shown in the picture below

4. Now cut  the seat of 2.7" pieces and join them with another two pieces as shown in the picture below

5. Now pierce hole into the stick edge on both ends of the sticks at the front and the rear with the help of a big sewing needle or compass needle.

6. Take a rope and put it through the hole on one side. Tie a knot below the seat to secure it.

7. Pass two beads through it. Keep one bead at the end touching the seat. Pass the rope around a popsicle stick and bring the thread down and pass it through the second bead and pass the thread through the other hole behind the first one and same way secure it with a knot. (do the same procedure for the other side too)

 8.  now place the stick on top of the base stand as shown in the picture below. Your Swing / Jhoola is ready now for decoration.

This is how it looks after decoration!

Happy crafting! :-)


Under the Mango Tree said...

superb!!!!!!!!!I am going to try this for this Janmashtami day for Lord Krishna, Thank you Mira.

வை.கோபாலகிருஷ்ணன் said...





saheli said...

beautifully made..

Dr Sonia S V said... are an expert with popsicle sticks...I am amazed every time you share a new project!

Leelagovind said...

very beautiful jhoola!hats off to your it for krishna or ganesha?
BTW i have already given amigurumi ganeshjis pattern link in the same post mira..may be you havnt noticed it..

Faseela said...

great....fabulous dear.....

Mira said...

thank you Mango Tree, Gopu Sir, Saheli, Sonia, Leela Chechi (yes i didn't notice the link. Will check it shortly), Faseela


Julie said...

Nicee work,Mira!!

Ongoing Events at(Erivum Puliyum)-
1. The Kerala Kitchen(June'12)

2.EP Series-Basil OR Cardamom

D.Nambiar said...

That's cute.

Mahalakshmi said...

Very nice Jhoola...your SBS photos are very clear to follow....

Anonymous said...

jhoola looks so cute...

Mira said...

Thank you Ranjana, Julie, D.Nambiar, Mahalakshmi, Bhavna

Spice up the Curry said...

that is just wonderful and beautiful

Usha Srikumar said...

Very creative ,Mira...
Excellent SBS...

ArjunaUbacha said...

Lovely. Highly creative. Keep it up.

Unknown said...

You are a real Mrs Maker.

painted princess collection said...

You have a created a spark in me now I will not rest till I try those lovely projects which you shared.
fantastic creations

Shama Nagarajan said...

super looking jula

R.Punitha said...

Hi Mira,

you are an expert with

popsicle sticks!!!

I am amazed every time

you share a new project:)))

Keep on Dear..


waooo..what a perfect jhoola..meny bethna hy is pe....ummmmm..haha
sorry i dont wanna break this beautiful jhoola..

nityakalyani said...

Cute jhoola for ladu gopal.So a crocheter is now becoming an expert in other paper crafts also. Thumbs up

Mira said...

Thank you Kanan, Ushaben, Indiawilds, Manidipa, Anandhirajan, Shama, Punitha, Creativemind, Nityaben, Meghana

Shanthi Krishnakumar said...

Wonderful idea!!

Unknown said...

Its awesome akka...

Click this

a surprise for you :)

Mira said...

Thanks Shanthi, Riya (Saw the surprise dear. Thank you)

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

this looks super cue & beautiful..
you are amazing dear..:)
Tasty appetite

Mahi said...

Nice explanation with neat pictures Mira! Good job!

Beena said...

Beautiful work mira

Teena said...

Very creative work!! First time on your lovely blog. So happy to follow you :)

Vishku said...

Hi Mira
Will you please collect this award from my blog here

Thank You dear

Mahi said...

How are you Mira? Its been a month, your blog is not updated? Hope all iz well! :)
Take care!

ROHAN said...

What a brilliant idea .I believe there are thousands of people who will find it useful.
I m definitely going to tell all my friends about your art.

My Blog on Paper Flowers

Leelagovind said...

how are you mira..long time no see..i would like to share libester award with you really deserve it ..plz collect it from my space here..

Mira said...

Thank you Jay, Mahi, Beena, Teena, Rohan

Mahi, Thank you friend for your lovely queries. Hope you received my mail.

Vishku, thank you so much will do it

Leela chechi, thank you will do it today :)

Unknown said...

The DIY Popsicle Stick Swing Craft is so cute. Featured you on Homemade Popsicle Stick Crafts.

Unknown said...

Hi Mira Salute You. God Bless you. :)

Divishi Verma said...

Wow Amazing work
Thanks for sharing
lord jhoola for deity

Your Kind Attention Please :-)

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