January 29, 2020

Crochet baby pink dress

Hare Krishna,

Crocheted this Baby pink cotton dress for my Laddu. A first dress for this year (2020).

He makes me creative and also makes it challenging to crochet for him.  It is always a pleasure to crochet for him.

Rama Krishna Hari
Rama Krishna Hari


January 6, 2020

Rajgira Halwa | Amaranth seeds halwa | Keerai Vidhai Halwa

Hare Krishna!

A sweet start for this year!

Rajgira - in Marathi means Royal Grain Raj - Royal Gira - grain Rajgira - Marathi English - Amaranth Seeds (Amaranth means immortal) Tamizh - Keerai Vidhai (கீரை விதை) A sathvic Halwa that can get consumed on Ekadashi day by to hose who don't follow complete fasting. Since it is not a whole grain, it is allowed in Ekadashi recipes.

This grain has highest content of calcium, rich in iron, phosphorus, magnesium. This is the only grain that has Vitamin C. Easily digestable. It reduces hunger pangs and is believed to improve eyesight. I used Jaggery. In case if you want to use sugar, then you may use upto 3/4 cup of sugar replacing jaggery.

Video Recipe is here :-

Ingredients :-

  • Rajgira flour - 1 cup
  • Jaggery - 1 Cup (If sugar, use 3/4 cup)
  • Ghee - 1/2 cup (melted)
  • Water - 2.5 cups
  • Cardamom powder - 1 tsp
Procedure :-

  • In a vessel add the jaggery and water. Heat it till the jaggery dissolves.
  • Filter for removing impurities.
  • Heat a wok
  • Add the melted ghee
  • Add the flour and roast "ONLY IN LOW FLAME", till golden brown (approx 5 to 7 minutes)
  • Add the filtered jaggery water, keep stirring without lumps.
  • In medium flame cook, till it thickens and start leaving the sides.
  • Switch off gas. Add the cardamom powder and mix well.
  • Delicious and healthy Rajgira Halwa is ready to be offered or relished.
You may check the video recipe given above.

Hare Krishna!

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